We provide molecular structures of organic compounds and polymers

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 Please contact us from the inquiry form first. We will get back to you within a few days. After we get your some informations (measurement data, measurement condition, number of data (spectra) or material known information, etc.), we will inform you of approximate price and due date (number of days required after ordering). A quotation will be send you after you provide us all of the information. The quotation is free.

1.Contact us from the inquiry form
Please fill in the inquiry form and click the "submit" button.
2.We will inform you of approximate price and due date
We will inform you whether your order is acceptable or not by E-mail. If your order is acceptable, we'll inform you of approximate price and due date by E-mail.
3.Send your data to us
If you want a quotation, please send us your measurement data, measurement condition, material known information.
We will send you a quotation.
If you agree with the quotation, please send order slip by E-mail.
If we can accept the order, we will send you an invoice.
Please deposit money in to our account.
After we confirm your deposit, we send a report by the appointed day.

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